Friday, March 7, 2014

7 Things I Will Miss About My Agency Job

1. My Work Space. Before I tell you about my work space, I should tell you the entire Cord office is decorated with a fun point of view - definitely not your grandpa's boring office. So I was beside myself when I was given a work area beyond the stylish front offices. Then I discovered the privacy and freedom of being away from the stressy main area, and I was a happy camper in my own nirvana. Then, it got even better. A co-worker moved some of his fab furniture into the space, and it became a mod, mod, mod world. 

2.  My Partner in Crime. I didn't do the college dorm thing, but I can certainly IMAGINE the horror of a crummy assigned roommate who doesn't get you. When my office mate was hired, I wondered how our shared office situation would work out and luckily, we were two peas in a pod. We plotted, ployed, produced solid work, and managed to have fun too amidst crushing deadlines in our North Wing. We'll always have Halloween when we ate donuts and arrested everyone in our path, Chris!  

3. The Co-Workers. What an incredible group of talented and creative folks. And good looking. Damn! Really. Not being sarcastic. There's not a weak link in the bunch. And the long list of talent at the agency keeps getting longer and longer as the company's expansion continues. If I was going to spend money on advertising and marketing, I would seek them out stat!

4a. My Initials in Lights Everyday.
It's a nice coincidence when the company you work for has the same initials, AND they like to do fun things like put a big C and big M on the wall. It was like a secret shout out to myself everyday.
4b. The Sweet Sweets. Now that I'm leaving, I wish I took advantage of it more. Why don't all offices have candy bars? It's a no brainer. Give 'em sugar and let the hyper creative game ensue. Even though I didn't eat the stuff all the time, it was nice knowing a candy bar was there for me in all its sugar splendor. Oh, almost forgot, the bar bar. Cheers to that! True Mad Men style.                     .

5.  The Juke Box. When the depths of creative despair strike, boom! music echoes down the hallway, breathing life back into the process. Just the sight of the juke box is kind of cool. Check out the selections. No musak! Need a dose of Led Zeppelin or Arcade Fire to get you inspired? No problem.

6.  The Games People Play. Working at play. Playing at work. Any place of business that has a Pajama Day, can't be all bad. If that same place of business also has regular cupcake breaks, birthday lunches, a disco ball, cocktail hours, and a luxe penthouse... jackpot!

7.  Finally... Boss Bosses. I'm not saying perfect. I'm saying boss. And that's plenty good. 

  (Next up: 7 Things I Will NOT Miss About Agency Work. Yeah, it's gonna get real.)

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